BASIC TALKS ~ Jennie Moran ~ June 2024

1pm, 7/6/2024

Hugh Lane Gallery


Basic Space is delighted to present Jennie Moran for our June BASIC TALK - 1pm on Friday the 7th of June 2024 at Hugh Lane Gallery.

Jennie Moran is an artist who uses the philosophy, culture, and infrastructure of hospitality to create opportunities for shared connection. She started a nomadic hospitality project called Luncheonette in 2013 which operated as the canteen in the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, and was named Irish Café of the year at the 2019 Food and Wine Awards. In 2022 Luncheonette was invited to Artsadmin in London, to take part in a hospitality themed research residency and consultancy project called Say Yes to Who or What Turns Up, using an old café as a site of unconditional welcome. She has just completed a Masters in Gastronomy and Food Studies at TUD and has written a book entitled How to Soften Corners about the impact of hospitality in institutions. Her research into practical applications of hospitality has been supported with a bursary from the Arts Council of Ireland. She provides mentorship in holistic hospitality to creative organisations and runs a module called Creative Hospitality in NCAD, and lectures occasionally UCD School of Architecture, Cork Centre for Architectural Education (UCC) and TUD. She has presented at the Oxford Food Symposium and is a chair at the upcoming Dublin Gastronomy Symposium. 

Image by Johnny Mallin


BASIC TALKS is a series of informal talks with leading contemporary practitioners. Curated by Basic Space in partnership with the Hugh Lane Gallery, BASIC TALKS is an open platform for lectures, workshops, presentations and performances. Speakers include artists, curators, writers and critics who generate discourse on producing, framing and exhibiting art.

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Basic Space