
Basic Space, Vicar Street, Dublin 8


Cyclorama’ is a 7 min film consisting of a single continuous long take of a disused sound stage. The space is empty apart from a large curtain or ‘Cyclorama’. These are commonly used in film production as painted backdrops that recreate the illusion of infinity. Installed in Basic Space in a site sensitive configuration, Cyclorama draws upon the relationship between the actual and the virtual.

Colin Martins current practice concerns the relationship between Cinema and Space as worlds we move through either physically or virtually. It references both Pre-narrative Cinema and Structuralist Cinema. Martin uses the formal devices of cinema to explore locations to create non narrative films. These cast the locations themselves as central characters. The spaces are conduit spaces that carry a social, political or cultural charge. Many of the locations used in these films are bounded, idealised spaces that serve to accommodate things that may not ordinarily exist together naturally (Museums, Gardens, Film Studios) and that exert a sense of control and order over their subjects. This is formally echoed in the manner in which the camera relates to these spaces in long extended takes and unedited field recording. These films reference directly the illusion making strategies of narrative film and cast the viewer physically as an active agent in the consumption and reception of these images


Exhibition Gallery

shane bonfield