BASIC TALKS ~ AlanJames Burns ~ October 2024

1pm, 4/10/2024

Hugh Lane Gallery


Basic Space is delighted to present AlanJames Burns for our October BASIC TALK - 1pm on Friday the 4th of October 2024 at the Hugh Lane Gallery

AlanJames Burns (they/them) is a neurodivergent and environmental artist, curator and festival maker. Their practice is marked by socially engaged, and site-specific projects. The focal points of their highly collaborative practice are disability, the climate emergency, and the pursuit of a just society. 

Recent projects include; 'Disrupt Disability Arts Festival', an annual festival taking place on at Project Arts centre and online; 'Divergently Together', 2024-26 a national Creative Ireland climate action project exploring the climate crisis through the perspective of disability; 'The Waking Walls' 2023, an immersive audio-lament that connects Caoineadh, traditional Irish mourning practices, to understanding experiences of ecological grief; 'Our Place', 2020-2024, a socially engaged sound art and placemaking project with Sinead McCann and St John of God that champions the human rights of people living with intellectual disabilities

This talk will be Irish Sign Language (ISL) interpreted by Susan Foley-Cave.  


BASIC TALKS is a series of informal talks with leading contemporary practitioners. Curated by Basic Space in partnership with the Hugh Lane Gallery, BASIC TALKS is an open platform for lectures, workshops, presentations and performances. Speakers include artists, curators, writers and critics who generate discourse on producing, framing and exhibiting art.

BASIC TALKS are FREE - book below or come on the day subject to availability. 

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