BASIC TALKS ~ Celina Muldoon ~ August 2024 - ONLINE

1pm, 9/8/2024



Basic Space is delighted to present Celina Muldoon for our August BASIC TALK - 1pm on Friday the 9th of August 2024 online.

Celina Muldoon is an artist based in the Northwest of Ireland. With live performance at the core of her practice she uses moving image, installation, sound and AI to develop large scale environments within which audiences engage with the socio-political structures and the body. Muldoon has exhibited nationally and internationally and has received multiple funding awards from the Arts Council of Ireland. She has participated in prestigious international residencies including the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris and the International Curatorial Programme in New York. Muldoon plans to return to New York to develop an interdisciplinary project with experts in political science, climate change and economics based in the U.S. While there, she will develop a major exhibition to be presented in New York in 2025.


BASIC TALKS is a series of informal talks with leading contemporary practitioners. Curated by Basic Space in partnership with the Hugh Lane Gallery, BASIC TALKS is an open platform for lectures, workshops, presentations and performances. Speakers include artists, curators, writers and critics who generate discourse on producing, framing and exhibiting art.

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