Knew Row

13/10/16 — 21/10/16
Basic Space, 11 Eustace Street, Temple Bar


Basic Space is proud to announce Knew Row, a new body of work by Joanne Reid, comprised of works produced during the BS/AR residency. The exhibition opens with a reception in the company of the artist on Thursday 13 October.

Joanne's practice incorporates a wide range of materials including industrial and consumer packaging, discarded steel production parts, concrete, plastics and neon tubing. Sacks, bag-ends, containers and vessels are the forms that inform much of her recent work. Many of the materials, objects and images that she uses are sourced in the urban environment. The found or discarded item is important in her practice, whether used as source material or incorporated into the final work. Often found after having been chucked away somewhere, these grounded objects are then elevated and entombed in her displays, almost reverentially.

Joanne Reid is a recent graduate of the MA programme, Art and Research Collaboration (ARC) at IADT. She is currently based in Dublin as the recipient of the Basic Space Residency Programme 2016.


Gallery of exhibition

shane bonfield